We have again gained recognition for the quality of our wines, this time for Gulbanis Cabernet Franc 2013, winner of silver medal from Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2017 ! Gulbanis Cabernet Franc AND bronze medal for Gulbanis Rose 2016 from the Rose Wine Expo, held...
Following the centuries-old tradition of pruning the vines on St.Tryphon’s day , we have been blessed by the local priest and by the sun which showed itself for the first time after the very long winter. We shall keep our fingers crossed for a good and fruitful...
After finishing successfully our hard work during 2016 harvest, the team of Gulbanis Wine is now looking forward to taking part in the main autumn event for winemakers in Bulgaria, DiVino Taste, Sofia 2016. Find us there and you will be able to taste some of our...